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Friday, February 7, 2025

The terrorist attack from Solingen and the recent elections in Germany

Terrorism… one of the most controversial and debated subjects in the history of the international relations, geopolitics and political science. Terrorism represents not only one of the most important threats to one’s life but also represents a direct threat to the liberal and democratic values of the international arena. Beginning with the period of Antiquity and extending into the contemporary era, a number of entities have resorted to terrorist-type means and tools to maintain their influence over individuals, justifying their actions by using explanations common to all terrorist entities. From the Sicarii of the 1st century BC and assassins of the medieval era to the terrorism used by Maximilian Robespierre’s Jacobins and Soviet Russia and the rise of Islamist terrorism, terrorists have used various tools to trigger fear, panic, and despair among the population to achieve their goals. Over time, the terrorist phenomenon has known a series of characteristics that have led to a succession of definitions, established both at the national level and the level of international organizations (the United Nations, the European Union, or NATO). Currently, information technology has reached such a high level that more and more terrorist organizations are using the online tools of modernity to achieve their own goals, this makes it difficult for the counter-terrorist activities of both national intelligence services, as well as international organizations dealing with the fight against terrorism.

Within this article, I will mention the most important characteristics of terrorism, I will describe the terrorist attack on German soil at Solingen and its effects in terms of public opinion and I will explain why the German elections in Thüringen, Sachsen (Sachsen) and Brandenburg can be a powerful catalyzer in the coming 2025 parliamentary elections, when Germany will elect its future parliament and, subsequently, its future chancellor.

What is terrorism?

First, there are multiple definitions, sources, and perspectives on what can be considered a terrorist act. Since the opening of the 3rd millennium and, implicitly, the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, international organizations have tried to define the terrorist phenomenon, pursuing its purpose at the national and international levels. The one I have chosen for this article is the definition given by the European Union through the 3 directives of the EU Council. The first directive was adopted in 2002, by decision no. 475/2022 of the EU Council, a directive that includes a definition of terrorism, asking member states to adopt measures against terrorism. The second directive was adopted in 2008, and the most recent directive was adopted in 2017, directive no. 541/2017, which represents the EU’s official framework for preventing and combating terrorism, being updated in line with the terrorist attacks in Europe that happened at the beginning of the last decade (2015-2017). Article 3 of Directive 541/2017 establishes numerous crimes that can be classified as belonging to the terrorist phenomenon “which, given their nature or context, may seriously damage a country or an international organization”[1] and having the purpose of intimidating the population or the illegitimate coercion of “a government or an international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act”[2] and “seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation”[3]. Paragraph 1 is more specific regarding terrorist-type offenses, namely attacking upon the physical integrity of a person, kidnapping or hostage-taking, causing extensive destruction to a government or public facility, manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport, supply or use of explosives or weapons, including chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons or releasing of dangerous substances, or causing fires, floods or explosions, the effect of which is to endanger human life[4]. Another relevant definition of terrorism is that given by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States, which distinguishes between domestic and foreign terrorism. The FBI defines domestic terrorism as representing “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature”[5]. The FBI also has another definition of terrorism at the international level: “Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored)”[6].

The Terrorist Attack from Solingen, Germany

Having defined terrorism through the lens of the European Union and the FBI, I will turn my attention to the terrorist attack on German soil at Solingen and its effects in terms of public opinion. On the 23rd of August 2024, at around 21:40 local time, a follower of the Islamic State (ISIS) killed three people and wounded 8 other people, stabbing them with a knife at a city festival in Solingen, a city within the North Rhine-Westphalia land in Germany. This festival celebrated 650 years since the city was founded. The attacker was discovered to be a Sunni Muslim and a Syrian national[7]: “The suspected perpetrator, a Syrian national thought to be a supporter of the Islamic State, is said to have deliberately stabbed the victims’ necks and upper bodies”[8]. This represents a classical example of a terrorist attack because not only the physical integrity of a person was attacked with the result of 3 deaths, but also the action was performed in a public place, at a festival, and on an important day of the city, thus drawing a big amount of public attention on the action itself and establishing fear among the population. Being an alleged follower of ISIS, the man was certainly following a radical Islamic ideology.

This attack was the spark that opened one of the most powerful debates on the German national arena regarding party politics, political reactions, and the voice of public opinion. More and more people felt threatened by the growing number of terrorist attacks on German soil. This attack also determined the German government to start discussions about the migration issue and about the asylum law: “It is planning stricter gun laws, faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers who have committed crimes and cutting social benefits”[9]. At the same time, the Interior Ministry is planning to empower security authorities to search the Internet and, implicitly, social media to detect possible future terrorist attacks, with the help of the new AI technology and facial recognition programs. In terms of deportations, Justice Minister Marco Buschmann reported that “Anyone who attacks or threatens people with a knife in Germany must be deported quickly. And that is why we will establish relevant regulations for deportations. And this will also apply to young people”[10]. Immediately following the attack, 28 Afghan offenders were deported to Kabul, representing the first deportation of Afghans since the regime change in 2021[11]. However, the measures taken by the government led by Olaf Scholz, the SPD (Social Democratic Party) Chancellor, seem too little in direct proportionality with social security, which is extremely affected. Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU (Christian Democratic Party) and the nomination of CDU as Chancellor for the 2025 national parliamentary elections, underlined the fact that “this is enough”: “We must give the federal police more powers. We must stop pursuing a naive immigration policy. And we must ensure that those who come to us abide by the rules of our country. And if they do not, they must leave the country again”[12].

The irresponsible handling of the situation by the German government had as the biggest consequence the result of the elections in East Germany, namely in Thüringen, Sachsen, and Brandenburg, namely the rise of 2 of the most dangerous parties in the XXI century, the Afd (Alternative for Germany) and the BSW (the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance).

AFD and BSW – A Prelude to the 2025 Elections

The elections in 3 of the federal German states in East Germany (Thüringen, Sachsen, and Brandenburg) can be considered a prelude to the 2025 elections. The first winner of the elections is AfD, which is considered one of the most dangerous parties on the German national arena. In addition, the second winner of the elections is BSW, even though in official terms this party landed in the 3rd place within the elections. Why do I make this distinction and consider BSW the second winner of the elections? Because, even though AfD, CDU, and SPD received most of the votes, in terms of numbers, depending on the federal states, AfD and BSW represent the actual weights that influence the governing process.

First of all, in Thüringen, AfD received 32.8% of the votes, proving that AfD is the winner of the elections in this state. In second place, CDU won 23.6% of the votes[13]. In comparison with the year 2024, in 2019, the winner of the elections was Die Linke (The Left), receiving 31 % of the votes, the former Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) which ruled Germany until the unification in 1989. and AfD was in second place with 23.4% of the votes[14]. However, the big surprise of the elections was not only the result of AfD because more and more people were convinced that AfD would receive most of the votes. The actual surprise of the elections was the Party Sarah Wagenknecht (BSW), a new party that was formed on 8th January 2024. This party received 15.8% of the votes, thus being in third place[15]. In 2019, the third place was won by CDU with 21.7% of the votes[16]. According to Tagesschau, the highest percentage of the votes of BSW came from the traditional voters of The Left party, taking into consideration the fact that Sarah Wagenknecht was a former member of The Left[17]. Other votes came from the traditional voters of AfD, CDU, and SPD.

Secondly, in Sachsen, the de jure winner of the elections is CDU, receiving 31.9% of the votes. In the second place comes AfD with 30.6% of the votes. In the third place comes BSW with 11.8% of the votes and in the fourth place comes SPD, with 7.3% of the votes[18]. In comparison with 2024, in 2019, the winner of the elections was CDU (32.1%), with the second and third places occupied by AfD (27.5%) and The Left (10.4%)[19]. This result also confirms AfD and BSW as de facto winners of the elections because they represent the pieces of the puzzle that every other party must consider in order to survive on the political landscape.

In the third state, namely Brandenburg, the de jure winner of the elections was SPD, with 30.9% of the votes. In the second and third places come AfD, with a very close result of 29.2%, and BSW, with 13.5% of the votes. CDU receives the fourth place, with only 12.1% of the votes[20]. In comparison with 2024, in 2019, the winner of the elections was also SPD, with 26.2% of the votes, followed by AfD (23.5%) and CDU (15.6%)[21].

BSW and AfD- “Brothers in arms” or Political Opponents?  

When it comes to the political programs of BSW and AfD, there are 3 main similarities to take into account:

  1. Both parties criticize the actual political configuration of Germany, being in favor of changing the democratic foundation stone of the German state. They are not only positioning themselves against the mainstream political parties (CDU, SPD, FDP, and the Greens), but they represent a danger to the German democratic political and economic systems. Looking at the program for these regional elections, AfD not only presents the state as “becoming pray for the political parties”[22], but it also pleads for the dissolution of the Inner Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungschutz) with the following explanation: “The work of the domestic secret service is aimed at the economic, social, and political destruction of opposition members instead of protecting the constitution”[23]. The dissolution of the internal secret service would not only diminish public safety but it would also endanger the inner security of the Thuringian state, increasing thus the current vulnerabilities. Moreover, AfD highlights the need for a “patriotic and social market economy”. BSW follows the same narrative against the main political parties: “Your vote for the BSW in Thuringia is a vote against the established parties continuing as before, against the chaos in the government in Erfurt and for Thuringian interests”[24].
  2. Both parties are using populist ideas and remarks in order to “hypnotize” the population which is frustrated with the current political rule in Berlin. For example. BSW is underlining the key role of “direct democracy”, proposing thus the following: “New rules, regulations, and ordinances are to be subject to a 100-day review period during which citizens can raise objections and prevent new regulations from coming into force”[25]. This reminds me of some of the words used by Vladimir Ilici Lenin to describe “modern democracy”: “The dictatorship of the proletariat alone can emancipate humanity from the oppression of capital, from the lies, falsehood and hypocrisy of bourgeois democracy — democracy for the rich — and establish democracy for the poor, that is, make the blessings of democracy really accessible to the workers and poor peasants, whereas now (even in the most democratic — bourgeois — republic) the blessings of democracy are, in fact, inaccessible to the vast majority of working people”[26]. AfD is also emphasizing “the role of the people” within the democratic system, trying thus to manipulate through beautiful illusions, proposing that the people should have the power “to decide on the early dismissal of the state parliament”[27].
  3. Both parties share a pro-Russian view, underlining the need to stop the military and economic aid to Ukraine, to end the EU sanctions against Russia, and to begin negotiations for a peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia without taking into consideration the geopolitical consequences. Sarah Wagenknecht, a former member of the Left Party, has a Stalinist view of the world, praising Stalin and the leaders of the German Democratic Republic and the “great economic system developed in the Eastern block”, emphasized in an article written by her, “Marxism and Opportunism- Struggles in the Socialist Movement Yesterday and Today”: “And whatever one might say – justified or not – against the Stalin era, its results were in any case not decline and decay, but the development of a country that had lagged behind for centuries into a modern great power during a period that was unique in world history; thus the overcoming of misery, hunger, illiteracy, semi-feudal dependence and the most severe capitalist exploitation; finally the control of Hitler’s armies, the destruction of German and European fascism and the expansion of socialist social conditions across half of the European continent”[28]. Stalin could not have said it better himself! When it comes to her program for Thuringia, she would underline that “The policy of supplying more and more weapons to Ukraine, which the Thuringian Prime Minister also supports, has failed spectacularly. Billions upon billions of hard-earned taxpayers’ money have been burned in this war, in which there have long been no victories, but only deaths. And the economic sanctions are primarily damaging us and our economy, which is being deprived of cheap energy”[29]. In other words, “we should have bought more and more energy from Russia because it is cheap, we are not interested if our country would be more and more dependent on Russia’s gas and oil because nothing else matters if our interests are met”…

The same rhetoric is used by AfD! In their program for the regional elections, they highlighted “Peaceful trade with Russia instead of sanctions”[30]: “Trade with Russia has always been of great importance for the Thuringian economy, particularly due to the supply of inexpensive and environmentally friendly Russian natural gas. The AfD Thuringia is striving to revive and intensify trade relations with Russia. In the interests of our own interests, we are committed to peace in Europe and are calling for an end to sanctions against Russia”[31]. When it comes to the economic system, AfD is clearly on the same step as BSW, even in terms of their proposal for the economic system: “In order to stop and reduce price increases, we demand an end to the energy transition and the sanctions policy against Russia, as well as a reorientation of the ECB’s monetary policy”[32]. But this is not all. Maybe the most dangerous of all is the AfD’s commitment to “REPAIR THE NORD STREAM PIPELINE”: “The sanctions policy against Russia has exacerbated the energy crisis. We are in favor of amicable trade relations so that natural gas deliveries from Russia can resume. The Nord Stream pipelines must be repaired”[33].

2025 Elections: CDU or AfD?

After underlining the different results from the three East German states and after presenting only a very few of the extremist views of both parties in terms of the German political and economic system, it is key also to emphasize the fact that the mainstream parties, center-right and center-left have only one year to convince the population about their grand program to rescue the German economic system and to ensure an effective national security strategy in order for the public opinion not to be hypnotized by the neo-Stalinist and pro-Russian party of BSW, who wants Germany to become more and more dependent on Russia and the pro-Russian party of AfD, who is in favor of repairing the Nord Stream Pipeline!

At the same time, according to an opinion poll from October 2024, only 25% of the people trust the actual chancellor of Germany, namely Olaf Scholz[34], and the tendency is continuously going downward because of him and his party’s ineffectiveness and incapacity to protect the German national economy from the Chinese octopus decisively, prevent illegal immigration, and help Ukraine in winning the war against Russia. Therefore, more and more people are turning their attention to the center-right conservative party CDU and their candidate for the German 2025 elections, namely Friedrich Merz. According to the opinion poll, 52% of the people would vote for him[35] because of his commitment not only to put an end to illegal immigration but also to restore the sick German economic system, to deliver more military and economic aid to Ukraine, including Taurus equipment, which is paramount for its survival against the Russian aggression, and to protect the German national security in a more and more insecure world, thanks to China and Russia.

[1] DIRECTIVE (EU) 2017/541 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 March 2017 on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA and amending Council Decision 2005/671/JHA, L 88/6, Official Journal of the European Union, 31.3.2017, p. 8, accessed at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32017L0541 on 15.09.2024

[2] Ibidem, article 3, para. 2, letter b, p. 8

[3] Ibidem, article 3, para. 2, letter c, p. 8

[4] Ibidem, article 3, para. 1, letters b-g, p. 8

[5] “Terrorism”, FBI, accessed at https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism on 27.09.2024

[6]  Ibidem

[7] “Polizei nimmt mutmaßlichen Attentäter von Solingen fest”, Speigel, 25.08.2024, accessed at https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/messerattacke-von-solingen-polizei-nimmt-mutmasslichen-attentaeter-von-solingen-fest-a-491fcaef-3f0b-4319-86a0-7de47b407b89 on 17.09.2024

[8] “Solingen attack: what’s going on in Germany”, Eurotopics, 26th August 2024, accessed at https://www.eurotopics.net/en/325270/solingen-attack-what-s-going-on-in-germany on 17.09.2024

[9] Marcel Fürstenau, “Solingen knife attack prompts tough security measures”, Deutsche Welle, 30.08.2024, accessed at https://www.dw.com/en/solingen-knife-attack-prompts-tough-security-measures-in-germany/a-70092549 on 21.09.2024

[10] Ibidem

[11] “Deportation flight leaves Germany for Afghanistan”, Deutsche Welle, 30.08.2024, accessed at https://www.dw.com/en/deportation-flight-leaves-germany-for-afghanistan/a-70087498 on 23.09.2024

[12] “Es reicht – Zeit für entschlossenes Handeln”, CDU, 26th August 2024, accessed at https://www.cdu.de/artikel/es-reicht-zeit-fuer-entschlossenes-handeln on 23.09.2024

[13] “Thüringen Landtagswahl 2024“, Tagesschau, accessed at https://www.tagesschau.de/wahl/archiv/2024-09-01-LT-DE-TH/index.shtml on 25.09.2024,

[14] “Landtagswahl 2019 in Thüringen- endgültiges Ergebnis”,Wahlen im Freistaat Thüringen, accessed at  https://wahlen.thueringen.de/datenbank/wahl1/wahl.asp?wahlart=LW&wJahr=2019&zeigeErg=Land on 25.09.2024

[15] Ibidem

[16] Ibidem

[17] Ibidem

[18] “Sachsen Landtagswahl 2024“, Tagesschau, accessed at https://www.tagesschau.de/wahl/archiv/2024-09-01-LT-DE-SN/index.shtml on 07.10.2024

[19] “Wahlerergebnisse”, Sachsen.de, accessed at https://wahlen.sachsen.de/landtagswahl-2019-wahlergebnisse.php on 07.10.2024

[20] “Sachsen Landtagswahl 2024“, Tagesschau, accessed at https://www.tagesschau.de/wahl/archiv/2024-09-22-LT-DE-BB/ on 08.10.2024

[21] “Der Landeswahlleiter – Brandenburger Wahlergebnisse”, Land Brandenburg, accessed at  https://wahlergebnisse.brandenburg.de/wahlen/LT2019/tabelleLand.html on 08.10.2024

[22] “Alles für Thüringen! WAHLPROGRAMM der AfD Thüringen zur Landtagswahl 2024”, 27th April 2024, p. 8, accessed at https://thueringen-landtagswahl.de/programm/ on 13.10.2024

[23] Ibidem, p. 21

[24] https://bsw-th.de/programm/

[25] Ibidem

[26] “<<Democracy>> and Dictatorship”, Lenin Collected Works, Volume 28 (p. 368-72), accessed at https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1918/dec/23.htm on 28.10.2024

[27] Ibidem, p. 9

[28] Sarah WAGENKNECHT, „Marxismus und Opportunismus: Kämplfe in der Sozialistischen Bewegung gestern und heute“, accessed at http://www.glasnost.de/pol/wagen.html on 15.10.2024

[29] Ibidem

[30] Ibidem, p. 53

[31] Ibidem, p. 53

[32] Ibidem, p. 51

[33] Ibidem, p. 89

[34] Jan DÖRNER, “Vernichtend: Diese Umfrage zeigt, wie unbelibt Scholz ist”, Berliner Morgenpost, 28th October 2024, accessed at https://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/scholz–vertrauen-der-deutschen-in-spd-und-kanzler-sinkt-weiter-35033920.html on 28.10.2024

[35] Ibidem

Mihai-Gabriel Crainicu
Mihai-Gabriel Crainicu
Crainicu Mihai-Gabriel holds a Master's thesis in Security Studies and Information Analysis at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance within Bucharest University and a Bachelor in International Relations and European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science within the same university. He is interested in developing articles regarding the European and international security landscape, with a focus on doctrine and ideology analyses, decision-making processes, national security strategies and economic developments. His hobbies include history, literature, and philosophy but also play the piano and dance.

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